Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life’s Fundamental Bond
The phenomenon of friendship is universal and elemental. Friends, after all, are the family we choose. But what makes these bonds not just pleasant but essential, and how do they affect our bodies and our minds?
At this Science on Tap science journalist Lydia Denworth talks about her new book where she takes us to the front lines of the science of friendship in search of its biological, psychological, and evolutionary foundations. Finding it to be as old as life on the African savannas, she also discovers that friendship is reflected in our brain waves, detectable in our genomes, and capable of strengthening our cardiovascular and immune systems. Its opposite, loneliness, can kill. As a result, social connection is finally being recognized as critical to our physical and emotional well-being. Learn about field biology and cutting-edge neuroscience that shows how our bodies and minds are designed to make friends, the process by which social bonds develop, and how a drive for friendship underpins human (and nonhuman) society. Join us for a refreshingly optimistic vision of the evolution of human nature just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Lydia Denworth is a Brooklyn-based science journalist whose work is supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. A contributing writer for Scientific American and Psychology Today, she has also written for the Atlantic and the New York Times.
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Event Date
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Start Time
7:00 pm Pacific
Available Food & Drink
Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available. -
Accessibility Information
Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.