Hope Is The Thing With Feathers: Finding Joy In Birds
See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.
In these times of cancelled classes and events it’s comforting to know that some things haven’t changed. While we stay safe at home, bird migration continues just outside our windows.
At this special online Science on Tap we’ll be joined by Dr. Nicole Michel, a Senior Quantitative Ecologist with the National Audubon Society’s Science Division. She will tell us about birds you can see in your neighborhood or local park and how you can attract more birds to your yard. We’ll follow the adventures of individual birds as they travel between breeding and wintering locations, and face threats along the way. You’ll discover how advanced technology – machine learning, space stations, and more – lets us delve deeper into the wonders of bird migration. Finally, you’ll leave with ideas for what you can do to help protect the birds we love.
Event Date
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Start Time
7:00 pm Pacific
This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.
Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.
Available Food & Drink
Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!